Our Generous Donors

During post-production for the film, we launched a finishing funds campaign on Kickstarter and were humbled by the incredible response from family, friends, colleagues, supporters, survivors, and strangers worldwide. Exceeding our goal in less than two weeks, we completed the film in time for our world premiere in Hollywood, California. This achievement was only made possible by the generosity and encouragement of our Kickstarter donors, some of whom are listed below.

For those who chose to remain anonymous, please know your contributions are forever in our minds and hearts, alongside everyone mentioned here.

Thank you!

Constantina Rhodes

Casey McDougal

Jess Hogan

Alexander Danner

Mandy Bates

Susan Johnston

Julia Brennan


Michael Conner

J.R. Craig

Naomi Kondo

Jean Desire

Daniel Izui

Jennifer Dooley

Lydian DeVere Yard

Doug Jabara

Healing Expressions

Betty Pichon


Hollie Palombo

Walter Cirone

Catherine Iagnemma

Ramona Taj

Diane Sullivan

Phobe Chase

Robin Stratton

Heidi Stanton

Wendy E. Nine

Ting Chin

Alena Wesemann



Special Thanks!

Ben Liu

Tom Richardson

Andrew & Jessica Merczak

Matt Girard


Kevin Gehrke

Julia Anderson

Kathy Gottberg

Minka van Beuzekom

Donna Perkins

Claudine Claudio

Michael & Christine Harris

Dennis Stevens

Marla Rhodes

Craig Paterson

Atsushi Ogata

Louis Mourneau

Sally Anderson-Phillips